About AgileData

Everything you wanted to know about us


Simply Magical Data

Co-founders Shane Gibson and Nigel Vining had a vision of working with people they respect, who can work from anywhere in the world (we think of it as working from any beach), who get paid well for their expertise and experience, to support the lifestyle they want.

As data experts they naturally decided that the thing they wanted to build would be in the data domain, and so they founded AgileData.

At AgileData our mission is to reduce the complexity of managing data, in a simply magical way.

Our “as a Service” solution makes that possible by delivering an on-demand data SaaS App, powered by a end-to-end data platform , combined with an agile way of working, backed by a simple t-shirt pricing model, that is designed for Business & Data Analysts not Data Engineers or Developers.

Photo of AgileData Co-founders Shane Gibson and Nigel Vining

The problem we saw

Most data solutions require a plethora of technical people to create and manage it, from architects, ETL developers, data modellers, database and infrastructure administrators.  It requires a plethora of software to be purchased, implemented, integrated and managed, including servers, databases, ETL tools, testing tools and data catalogs.

Often these solutions will cost millions, take years to deliver and are recognised as having a high rate of failure.

How we solve it

We created a new “as a Service” data solution based on four key principles:

Designed for Business

We empower analysts not technical developers.  By allowing them to use natural language not code, we put the power back in the business owners hands.

As a Service

We provide everything needed for a data platform, removing the need to buy or use third party solutions.

Any Scale

AgileData will scale from the smallest organisation to the largest, in both performance and pricing.

Automated Everything

Analytic augmentation  underpins everything, it aims to remove the need for manual effort wherever possible.

Our journey

We were founded in the beginning of 2019 and leveraging our agile mindset and experience we are delivering new features in small focused iterations, so we can constantly gather feedback and improve.

We have a go-to-market plan to constantly deliver value, prove the value we are delivering and grow over a multi-year journey based on the following steps:

1990 – 2018: The age of disillusionment

AgileData Co-Founders, Shane and Nigel, worked on a myriad of data projects using a raft of technologies, tools and solutions and came to the conclusion that delivering data was a process fraught with complexity, friction and failure and there must be a better way.

2019: Minimal Usable Platorm (MUP) – We finessed our platform

We founded AgileData and developed a minimal set of core capabilities that allowed us to start delivering value to organisations and start gathering feedback.  We on-boarded our first customer and successfully proved AgileData could deliver data to them at a click of a button.

2020: Data as a Service (DaaS) – We deliver our data magic

We deliver data for organisations, using the AgileData platform and our AgileData Ways of Working to streamline our effort.  Our aim is to prove we can deliver any data at a click of a button and present it in the way our customers need it, without incurring the cost of a bespoke delivery every time.

2021: Platform as a Service – Data at Scale

We deliver data and our services at scale. The goal is to prove that we can scale both the AgileData Platform and our Way of Working to support multiple customers at once.

2022: SaaS App – We remove the need for complexity

We start the journey to Software as a Service.  We will have developed the initial browser based AgileData App to enable Data Consultants to use the AgileData Platform with low-code simplicity.

2023: Fractional Data Teams – We teach our Craft

We coach Data Consultants to deliver Fractional Data Services to their Customers the way we do.  We will have engaged with selected individuals or organisations under a Platform as a Service model. The goal is to prove we can help other people to deliver the way we do, to build a network of like minded people (Data Magicians) to deliver data to their customers.

2024: Software as a Service (SaaS) – We empower a global Data Magician network

Data Consultants deliver to their customers by following our magical data tricks. We will have provided a full Software as a Service solution, where any partners can use AgileData on demand, without the need for extensive training or support.

2025 ….. Inspect, Adapt and Improve

AgileData is a global company with 10 employees working remotely from around the world, a network of 100 successful partners and 1,000 customers who have their data collected, combined and presented to them at a click of a button.  The AgileData Network, Ways of Working, App and Platform are being constantly enhanced based on feedback from the AgileData Network Partners and their customers to ensure its is always delivering Simply Magical Data.

Our focus

We know  data can support better decisions in any industry and in any use case, which means AgileData can support many industries and many use cases.  Our founders have experience in delivering data platforms in multiple industries including Insurance, Energy, Banking and Government.  They also have experience delivering data across a plethora of use cases from board reporting, single views of customers and products to analytical engines.

As organisations who use the AgileData solution grows, so will our case studies of industries and use cases we support.

Use cases

Common problems our Magic Tricks can solve