Explore with ease using the data Catalog.
Navigate your data assets with ease using our Data Catalog, designed to help you find and explore data assets effortlessly.
Catalog Search
Explore Catalog Search.
Simply browse or search through the catalog to quickly locate the data assets that matters most to you.
Catalog Details
Providing comprehensive information on every set of data at your fingertips
Click on any Catalog Tile to instantly view all relevant business, metadata, descriptions, and usage insights.
Data Search
Experience the power of our intuitive data search.
Just type in your query as you would in Google, and see how quickly you can find the insights you’re looking for.
Track and trace your data as if its your parcel from Amazon
Why do you need to use a complex data lineage graph to work out where specific data goes in your data platform?
When you can track n trace that data just like you track and trace your courier parcels.
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