Data Analyst

Empower Data Analysts to Deliver Insights Faster with a Low-Code Platform

As a Data Analyst, your focus is on delivering insights quickly and efficiently. But traditional data engineering processes can slow you down, requiring deep technical expertise or IT involvement. You need a solution that allows you to manage and transform data independently, without the complexity of multiple tools or extensive coding.

The AgileData Low-Code App empowers you to collect, cleanse, and transform data all within one simple tool. It automates data quality checks and integrates seamlessly with various data sources, enabling you to focus on generating insights, not on managing complex technical workflows.


Is it for me?

For Data Analysts

Who need to collect, cleanse, and transform data to deliver insights quickly and efficiently

The AgileData “AgileData App” is a low-code data app and platform

That enables them to independently manage their data work without needing to rely on data engineers or complex coding 

Unlike traditional approaches that require multiple tools, technical expertise, and time-consuming manual processes 

AgileData “AgileData App” will:

  • Include intuitive, self-service data preparation and transformation capabilities;

  • Eliminate the need for a large data team or complex tools;

  • Provide automated data quality checks at every stage;

  • Enable seamless integration with multiple data sources;

  • Ensure fast, accurate, and ready-to-use data for analysis;

  • Empower data analysts to spend more time generating insights and less time waiting for data engineers.

AgileData - Empowering Data Analysts to do the data work themselves


Take control of the data work and transformation tasks, eliminating the need to rely on data engineers for assistance.

Seamless Integration

Effortlessly connect to multiple data sources, simplifying your workflow and improving efficiency.

No Complex Coding Required

Deliver insights faster without the need for complex coding or advanced technical expertise.

More Time for Insights

Spend less time preparing data and more time focusing on generating valuable, actionable insights.

You are the Customer

The AgileData platform is built specifically for you, designed to meet your needs as the customer. The AgileData team work to ensure your data tasks are seamless, efficient, and optimised for success, so you can focus on delivering insights.

ADI Disco Transparent

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