Data Enablement

Remove the need to wait months

Uncover and document your data platform in just minutes with AgileData Disco, instead of waiting months.

Remove the need to dedicate teams of Business Analysts

Let the machine handle the discovery and documentation of your data platform, freeing up your Business Analysts to focus on enabling change.

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AgileData Decision Maker

Data Enablement Leader

Your organisation has a data platform that contains a wealth of data, but nobody understands what that data is.

To catalog it would take years and cost a small fortune, thats assuming you can find a team of people who can do that work.

Discover, document and share what data it contains, without the need of a large dedicated team of data professionals.


Is it for me?

For the Data Enabler

Who needs to empower data teams by helping them discover, document, and understand the data platform and the data it holds

The AgileData “Discovery” is a Software as a Service

That automatically discovers and documents data platforms quickly providing data teams with the insights and understanding they need to leverage data effectively and drive innovation

Unlike traditional, time-consuming methods that rely on manual data team effort, time delays and a lack of focus on delivering valuable Information Products

AgileData “Discovery” will:

  • Automatically document your data landscape with minimal effort;
  • Allow you to securely upload inputs files, including report definition’s, query logs, transformation code and DDL;
  • Not require you to upload any organisational data;
  • Provide multiple output documents, including Conceptual and Physical data models, Business Glossaries and Data Dictionaries;
  • Enable you to document a single input type or multiple;
  • Allow you to export the output documents and store them in your organisations document repository;
  • Provide the outputs in a database, so you can query the outputs as data;
  • Use a global cloud scale LLM in a private tenancy;
  • Ensure there is no “LLM token” bill shock;
AgileData - Discovery

1. Upload your input files

Easily upload your input files via the AgileData App so they are available to be discovered. If you need help extracting those files from your data platform, your dedicated AgileData Network Partner can assist you.

2. Select your desired outputs

Select the outputs you want documented. The number of tokens you are about to use will be displayed before you hit the magical "Generate" button.

3. Generate & download your outputs

Click "Generate." As your outputs are generated, you will be notified when each one is completed. You can view the outputs in the AgileData App or download a copy of the outputs at any time to save in your organisation's knowledge repository.

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Seeing is Believing

Watch AgileData Disco in action

If there is no interactive demo displayed above

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Use for up to Three Months

Access AgileData Disco for up to 3 months, giving you ample time to gather the inputs you need and generate the outputs you want.

100 Million Tokens

You can use up to 100 million tokens to generate the outputs you need, iterating as many times as you like.

Supported by an AgileData Partner

An AgileData Network Partner will be paired with you to provide assistance whenever you need it, at no additional cost.

Your content is Private and Secure

AgileData Disco operates within a private tenancy and uses the private Google Cloud Gemini service, ensuring that your inputs and outputs are not shared with any other customer and are not used for model training.


The types of input content you can upload to discover, document and understand

Report Definitions

Query Logs

ETL Logs

ETL Code

Data Warehouse Schema Extracts

Source System Schema Extracts

Data Examples

Information Product Canvas

Event Model

Conceptual Model

Physical Model

Reporting Model

Business Glossary

Data Dictionary

Metric Definitions

Bus Matrix

Source Mapping


The outputs AgileData Disco will automagically generate for you.

Seeing is Believing

Have a look at some example Disco outputs

Download Example Outputs

Download a PDF document with examples of the AgileData Discovery Outputs

Remove the need to wait months

Uncover and document your data platform in just minutes with AgileData Disco, instead of waiting months.

Remove the need to dedicate teams of Business Analysts

Let the machine handle the discovery and documentation of your data platform, freeing up your Business Analysts to focus on enabling change.

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Email us on or fill out the form.  We will be in touch.


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