We are working on something new at AgileData, follow us as we build it in public

06 Jun 2024 | AgileData Discover, Blog


We are working on something new at AgileData, follow us as we build it in public

Latest update

Shane Gibson - AgileData.io

As part of our constant experimentation we have stumbled on an interesting use case in the data domain.  

It’s a data use case that has got Nigel Vining and myself so excited that we have decided to dedicate the next 30 days to experimenting with it.

It might turn out to be nothing valuable.

It might turn out to be a set of features in AgileData, or a new module.

It might turn out to be a completely new product.

We have no idea, but we are interested enough in it to bet 30 days effort to find out the answer.

As part of this we are also going to completely change the way we do our product build, for this idea we are going to change the way we work.

As part of this process we are also going to post daily as we decide and execute each step of the product process.

If you want to follow along as we build in public, checkout this post on a regular basis, we will add each days update to it so you can watch as we build and learn.

Keep making data simply magical

Follow along on our discovery journey

If you want to follow along as we build in public, check this out on a regular basis, we will add each days update to it so you can watch as we build and learn.