Collect data from your business applications and store it in AgileData, so it can be combined and consumed in a simply magical way.
AgileData enables you to easily push, pull, stream and file drop your data
File Upload
Simply upload files, drag and drop your data, and watch as it’s immediately available the data platform.
Push, Pull, Stream, Share, Drop
AgileData provides multiple patterns to enable data to be collected into the AgileData Platform.
- Push, data is pushed to a secure Google Cloud Storage “landing zone” from the System of Capture.
- Pull, data is pulled from the System of Capture by AgileData using a Google Cloud service or a third party SaaS Data Collection service.
- Stream, data is streamed to an Google Cloud Pub/Sub or directly into the underlying Google Cloud BigQuery instance.
- Share,data is shared between partner organisations, ensuring controlled access and collaboration across parties
- File Drop, data is manually uploaded via the AgileData App, or manual dropped into a secure Google Cloud Storage bucket
Sharing Google Public Data
Link to the Google Public TheLook datasets.
Sharing allows you to link to any Google Cloud Public datasets, plus you can Share Tiles across AgileData Tenancies.
View Data Collectors
Lots of Data Collectors
Lot's of connectors
We have the ability to connect and collect data from lot's of applications.
Native Connectors



Google Cloud Storage


Microsoft Excel

Google Cloud Connectors
Dataddo Collectors

Google Drive




Kakao Talk

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