Side Hustler

Accelerate Your Path to Full-Time Data Consulting with AgileData

You’re using your data expertise to provide ‘data as a service’ to clients, all while managing a full-time job. AgileData helps you scale your side business by providing automation, expert support when you need it, and the peace of mind that your clients are always taken care of, even when you’re on holiday. Paving the way for your transition to a full-time data consulting career.
AgileData Lead

Side Hustle

You are looking to leverage your data expertise and provide “data as a service” to customers as part of your journey to gain the lifestyle and freedom of eventually becoming a full time data consultant


Is it for me?

For Data Side Hustlers

Who want to leverage their data expertise to provide “data as a service” to clients while transitioning from a full-time job to a successful consulting business

The AgileData “Fractional Data Team” is a service

That enables them to scale their side hustle by providing a SaaS data platform, automating data processes and providing collaborative expert support when needed

Unlike the need to build a complex infrastructure, manage multiple tools, and always being on call, which typically requires significant time and financial investment

AgileData “Fractional Data Team” will:

  • Automate repetitive data tasks to free up time;
  • Include a Low Code, easy-to-use platform to manage the customer data work;
  • Provide ongoing support from the AgileData team so they can operate their preferred size of consulting business;
  • Include the ongoing cost of cloud infrastructure;
  • Ensure clients are looked after even when they take time off;
  • Incur no additional onboarding or maintenance costs;
  • Offer a fully managed data solution for a fixed monthly fee.
AgileData - Supporting Side Hustlers to build the lifestyle they desire

Scale your side hustles with ease

AgileData automates time-consuming data tasks, allowing you to deliver professional-quality insights quickly and efficiently, so you can take on more clients without overwhelming your schedule.

Operate Like a Bigger Business

With the AgileData team behind you, you’ll have expert support at your fingertips, making it feel like you have a full data team, even if you’re a one-person operation.

On demand SaaS Data Platform

AgileData’s low-code platform simplifies managing multiple clients and projects, giving you the power to deliver “data as a service” without needing to juggle complex tools or technologies.

Cost-Effective, No Hidden Fees

With AgileData, you get a fully managed data solution with no extra costs for technology, onboarding, or maintenance, allowing you to grow your side hustle while keeping overheads low.

Build Your Business, Enjoy Your Life

Take holidays or time off while knowing your clients are still receiving top-notch service. AgileData’s continuous support ensures your business runs smoothly, even when you step away.

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Build the freedom and lifestyle you want

We help you grow your data consulting side hustle into whatever suits your goals. Whether you’re aiming to earn extra income on the side or build a thriving data consultancy with a team of experts and impressive margins, the choice is entirely yours. AgileData gives you the tools and support to scale your business at your own pace, empowering you to design the future you want.

Build the lifestyle you want

Gain the freedom you desire

Fractional Data Team

Become the fractional data team for your customers, you are available when they need you, their data is always available when they need it

AgileData Platform

Remove the cost, effort, and risk of crafting your own data platform, writing screeds of complex code and hiring a DataOps team to support your customers

Recurring Income

Deliver the data work for your customers, and turn it into recurring income,  no “one and dones”

We have codified our Way of Working

We know how hard it is to build the plane while flying it.  As you scale you have to find more customers, deliver valuable outcomes to those customers, find more people to deliver those outcomes, all the while trying to build repeatable practices, patterns and platforms to help you scale effectively.

We have codified our Agile Data practises and patterns so you don’t have to.

What do we do with you

We help small independent consultants deliver data as a service to their customers, without the need to hire a massive team of sales, engineering or support experts

Recurring Income

You spend your time making sure your customers are happy and getting value from their data on a daily basis.  This provides you with recurring income for that effort

Sales & Delivery

We help you refine your target customer market, your data services and your sales pitch.  If you are successful then so are we, we invest our time and effort in your success

Higher Margins

Deliver data and information to your customers in 1/10th the time and at 5x the margin of your consulting competitors

Team of Two

We provide an AgileData App, and Platform, and Way of Working, enabling you to deliver an end-to-end data service to your customers with just a team of two

AgileData Network

The AgileData Network enables you to collaborate with our partners across the world and leverage the power of our trusted crowd.

AgileData Platform

Remove the cost, effort and risk of crafting your own data platform, writing screeds of complex code and hiring a DataOps engineers to support your platform

Information Apps

Pre-developed Information Products for specific use cases, for example Google Analytics or Cloud Billing Analysis, which you can leverage out of the box and adapt for your customers

Way of Working

We share with you the lessons we learnt, the patterns we used and our ways of working when we successfully ran our own data consultancies

Advisers & Mentors

We help you build your consulting business as if it was our own.  We are there as your trusted advisers & mentors when and if you need us

We know how lonely it can be

We know how lonely it can be founding a data consultancy, and trying to do the thousands of things you need to do, constantly switching between working in the business and working on the business.  We also know the struggle that comes with being a small consultancy and competing against the big ones.

We believe there is power in a crowd, so we are building a global network of people like you, but not near you.

AgileDataNetwork Jetplanes

Better Together

The AgileData Network helps you to amplify your capabilities by collaborating with other like minded Data Entrepreneurs

Size Sometimes Matters

Combine with other trusted members of the AgileData Network, to have the scale you need, when you need it

Scale the Value of your Expertise

Provide your expertise, experience and solutions in specific industries and use cases to the AgileData Network and get rewarded by the trusted members who leverage it for their customers

Get paid for the value you provide

Move from being paid by the hours you work, to being paid based on the value your expertise and experience delivers

Join the AgileData Network in


5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Its a simple five step process to join the AgileData Network, why would we make it more difficult?


Step 1: Do we fit each other?

Shane and Nigel have a virtual call with you to understand the lifestyle you desire and to confirm we can work together 

Step 2: Does AgileData fit you?

We give you a 7 day free trial of the AgileData App and AgileData Platform, so you can confirm our solution is a good fit for you to deliver fractional data services to your customers 

Step 3: Partner Contract

When we are both happy, we sign the the AgileData Network contract, no money required upfront

Step 4: Onboard customers

We help onboard your first three customers, collaborating directly with you during the delivery process, once you are AgileData experts you can onboard your new customers without us

Step 5: Happy customers, great lifestyle

You charge your customer for the continuous value you are delivering, you pay us a monthly subscription fee for each customers, we provide ongoing support for all your customers in partnership with you

Want more?

Want to see more Persona's, Use Case's, Feature's and Learning?

Contact Us

Email us on or fill out the form.  We will be in touch.