
Putting the Ops into DataOps


As a Service

A cloud native Software as a Solution, not a build your own platform or cloud washed legacy solution.  So just like Salesforce and Xero, once you have subscribed you can start straight away all from your browser.

Pay as you go, not upfront

As a true Software as a Service solution, you pay each month based on simple T-Shirt sizing subscription.  You pay for what you need now, no need to commit a large annual investment up front to get started or commit to three years in advance.

Out of the box

Remove the cost of crafting your own data platform, writing screeds of complex code and hiring a DataOps team to support your customers
Any data

You can load any data you have into, SaaS applications like Salesforce, structured databases such as Microsoft SQL, cloud databases like AWS RDS, semi-structured flat files for examples CSV’s and JSON or streaming data from Twitter.

Any Data

You can collect any data  into AgileData, SaaS applications like Salesforce, structured databases such as Microsoft SQL, cloud databases like AWS RDS, semi-structured flat files for examples XLS, CSV’s and JSON or streaming data from Google Analytics.

Any Analytics Engine

Access AgileData with any analytics engines, Cloud Machine Learning engines such as Google BigQuery ML, Vertex, Azure and AWS ML, R, Python or Java code, or solutions such as Dataiku, or Rapidminer.

Out of the box

Remove the cost of crafting your own data platform, writing screeds of complex code and hiring a DataOps team to support your customers
Any analytics engine

You can access with any of your favourite analytics engines, Cloud Machine Learning engines such as Azure and AWS ML, R, Python or Java code, or solutions such as KNIME, Rapidminer or Data Robot.

Any viz tool works with your BI and Visualisation tools, so if you use Tableau, Qlik, PowerBI, Looker, Yellowfin or any other tool, nothing changes.  Apart from getting data faster and in a repeatable and auditable way of course.

Leverage your cloud data lake accesses data from your data lake, whether your data lake is stored in AWS’s, Azure’s or Google’s Cloud platforms.

Stream or batch your data

You can include data that is streamed from your operational systems or you can choose to load the data on a regular basis, its all up to you.

All history over all time

All you data over all time is always immediately available in  So you can see how your customers are behaving today, or how your customers behaviours have changed over time

Scales with you grows as you grow.  Whether it’s your business getting bigger, onboarding more users to leverage more value or an increase in the data you collect, can scale to meet your needs. 


Your data, your users, our application and our platform are all secured to make sure only the people you authorise can see your data.

Global platform

We leverage one of the world’s leading cloud platforms to automate everything we do, rather than building our own from scratch,  which means it is cheaper, faster and safer for you.