Use Case

Migrate Legacy Data

Migrate data from your legacy systems to your new system



Is it for me?

For the Business Owner or Senior Leader

Who needs to migrate data from a legacy system to a new system

The AgileData “Migrate Legacy Data” is a service

That enables you to incrementally migrate your data, with reduced cost and reduced risk

Unlike a big bang manual migration process or paying your new systems vendor to learn the structure and intricacy of your legacy system

AgileData “Migrate Legacy Data” will:

  • Provide multiple trial migration runs, using an iterative approach;
  • Easily map to multiple new system environments, such as build, QA, UAT, training and production;
  • Profile your legacy data to identify potential data quality issues early;
  • Enable you to define repeatable data validation and quality rules to ensure data is not lost or corrupted during migration;
  • Provide an ongoing data store for historical reporting of legacy data;
  • Have no additional on-boarding, technology or ongoing maintenance costs;
  • Provide a fully managed fractional data as a service, for a fixed fee.
AgileData - Migrate Legacy Data

How it works

A simple process to reduce the complexity of answering your most important questions

Discover your core business processes


Using our magical “who does what” discovery workshop we gather an understanding of your key business processes and concepts, using our Natural Language approach.  For example, “Customers Buy Products from an Employee at a Store on any given Weekday”.

AgileData How it works - Step 2 - Model
AgileData How it works - Step 1 - Collect

Collect organisational knowledge

You provide us access to the detailed data needed to answer these questions.  We have a number of patterns to help make it easy to collect your data in a secure way.

We use AgileData to harvest meaning from your data and we have a quick look to gain an understanding of what it contains and how it is structured.

The time it takes to collect this data varies with every customer and source system, as it’s based on the flexibility of your systems and your organisation.   

Define business rules


We define data rules using our natural language approach to transform the data from the raw state you provided, to a format that can be used to easily and repeatably answer your question.  This may include simple rules such as which data identifies a unique customer, or complex rules, for example, deriving a single (golden) customer record from multiple disparate sets of customer data.

We map your legacy systems to your core business concepts and events, then sync data from those systems to  We then map these concepts and events to your new system and iteratively load data into it from

We do the majority of the effort defining these, but your time is needed to help us confirm the rules.  

AgileData How it works - Step 3 - Rules
AgileData How it works - Step 4 - Consume

Consume your data


Consume your data using your favourite BI or AI tools, without the need to write complex code or join hundreds of tables

You view the answers to your questions. We iterate on the rules until you are happy with the answer that are being provided by your data.

Your data is updated on a regular basis providing an immediate answer to your business questions. 


How it works

A simple process to reduce the complexity of answering your most important questions

Discover your core business questions and processes


Using our magical “who does what” discovery workshop we work with you to quickly identify and agree the core business questions you want to be answered.  For example “How many customers do we have”,  “Where are they located”,  “How much revenue did we make for each customer”.

In the same workshop we gather an understanding of your key business events and concepts, using our Natural Language approach.  For example, “Customers Buy Products from an Employee at a Store on any given Weekday”.

AgileData How it works - Step 2 - Model

This discovery workshop is undertaken remotely and typically involves a couple of hours of your time.

Collect organisational knowledge


You provide us access to the detailed data needed to answer these questions.  We have a number of patterns to help make it easy to collect your data in a secure way.

We use to harvest meaning from your data and we have a quick look to gain an understanding of what it contains and how it is structured.

AgileData How it works - Step 1 - Collect

The time it takes to collect this data varies with every customer and source system, as it’s based on the flexibility of your systems and your organisation. 

Define business rules


We define data rules using our natural language approach to transform the data from the raw state you provided, to a format that can be used to easily and repeatably answer your question.  This may include simple rules such as which data identifies a unique customer, or complex rules, for example, deriving a single (golden) customer record from multiple disparate sets of customer data.

AgileData How it works - Step 3 - Rules

We do the majority of the effort defining these, but your time is needed to help us confirm the rules.  

Consume your data


Consume your data using your favourite BI or AI tools, without the need to write complex code or join hundreds of tables

You view the answers to your questions. We iterate on the rules until you are happy with the answer that are being provided by your data.

AgileData How it works - Step 4 - Consume

Your data is updated on a regular basis providing an immediate answer to your business questions. 


How many users can access the answers?

If you are using your own Business Intelligence, Visualisation or Reporting tool to access the answers, then you can have as many users as your tool can support.

If we are providing easy access to the answers via your web browser then we leverage Google Data Studio which is available to as many users as you require at no additional costs.

If you need advanced BI capabilities, we can recommend a number of cost-effective cloud BI options, such as QlikSense, Tableau and PowerBI that enable multiple users to access the answers.  However, these will involve additional costs, to purchase the multi-user licenses of those tools, in addition to our fixed price.

What happens if we want to stop?

If you want to stop using the service at any time, we will decommission your access and permanently delete your data.

We suggest you extract all your data from the consume area before we decommission your access, as once we have deleted it we cannot recover it.

Can we get copies of all your code, so we can replicate it on our platform?


One of the reasons we are able to deliver answers to your questions using your data so quickly is due to the magic we have built under the covers on our platform.  As you would expect this is the value of and it would be remiss of us to give this magic away.

However, we will always provide you with copies of your event, concept and detail definitions and the Natural Language change rules we configure for you.  With these you could build your own data platform and replicate the data you consume from if you desired.