agiledata Blogs

Because sharing is caring

The Vanguard Method with Ibrar Hussain

Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson as they discuss the Vanguard method with Ibbi Hussain, one of the founding architects of this revolutionary approach to organisation change. Ibi describes how the Vanguard method uses systems thinking, service design, and occupational psychology to make profound improvements to call center performance. Join us as we navigate through the philosophy of change, the importance of leadership. And practical insights into implementing sustainable improvement within organisations.

What is Data Lineage?
What is Data Lineage?

TD:LR AgileData mission is to reduce the complexity of managing data. In the modern data world there are many capability categories, each with their own specialised terms, technologies and three letter acronyms. We...

Data Mesh 4.0.4
Data Mesh 4.0.4

TD:LR Data Mesh 4.0.4 is only available for a very short time. please ensure you scroll to the bottom of the article to understand the temporal nature of the Data Mesh 4.0.4 approach.This article was published on 1st...

Data Observability Uncovered: A Magical Lens for Data Magicians
Data Observability Uncovered: A Magical Lens for Data Magicians

Data observability provides comprehensive visibility into the health, quality, and reliability of your data ecosystem. It dives deeper than traditional monitoring, examining the actual data flowing through your pipelines. With tools like data lineage tracking, data quality metrics, and anomaly detection, data observability helps data magicians quickly detect and diagnose issues, ensuring accurate, reliable data-driven decisions.