agiledata Blogs

Because sharing is caring

The crisis in agile with Jurgen Appelo

Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson as they chat with Jurgen Appelo about the crisis in the agile community.

We explore how the agile job market has changed with diminishing roles for agile coaches and scrum masters. And we discuss what people can do now that the agile consulting and training gold rush is over. We talk about the poor quality of agile practices in organizations claiming to have done agile. And the need to improve further, to get the benefits available. And we talk about the evolution and rebranding of agile practices and the impact of AI on the industry.

Gain valuable insights into the future of agile, the importance of adapting to change and strategies for sustaining relevance in a shifting market.

ELT without persisted watermarks ? not a problem
ELT without persisted watermarks ? not a problem

We no longer need to manually track the state of a table, when it was created, when it was updated, which data pipeline last touched it …. all these data points are available by doing a simple call to the logging and bigquery api. Under the covers the google cloud platform is already tracking everything we need … every insert, update, delete, create, load, drop, alter is being captured

Tom Gilb – Software metrics

Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about Software Metrics with Tom Gilb. Tom Gilb inspired the authors of the Agile manifesto with his innovative incremental and scientific approach to Software Engineering. In this podcast we talk about Evo and Value Agile.

Erik de Bos – Agile is a paradigm shift

Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about Agile as a paradigm shift with Erik de Bos. Most organisations are slow moving bureaucracies defined by authoritarian hierarchies, rules and contracts. Agile is a completely new way of thinking and a new vocabulary which makes new concepts and information available.

Team Skills vs Roles

Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about effective agile product teams. Business people and technical people work together daily in one long-lasting customer-focused team. Roles vs Skills. The power of words. Do titles create hierarchy and functional silos within the team? T-shaped people. Should everyone be a developer? Are specialised roles useful? Specialists need to be on the team all the way through. Should people be paid the same and treated the same? Long-lasting product teams vs project teams. The best requirements, architecture and design come from self-managed teams. Servant leadership vs hierarchy. Teams have multiple leaders. One united product team across vendors and organisations.