Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation with Bryan Finster about Continuous Delivery and SAFe. Continuous delivery improves quality, productivity, value, and developers’ lives
Because sharing is caring
Analytical team topologies – Ashwin Kamath
Join Shane and guest Ashwin Kamath as they discuss his experience working with analytical teams and analytical team topologies.
Product Management with Scott Baldwin
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation with Scott Baldwin about product management
Information Products – What and Why with Tammy Leahy
Join Shane GIbson and Tammy Leahy as they discuss what the Information Product pattern is and Why you would use it.
Chris Butler – agile product management
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation with Chris Butler about agile Product Management at Microsoft, Facebook and Google. Three core things, that product managers should do.
App Engine and Socket.IO
We wanted to be able to dynamically notify Data Magicians when a task had completed, without them having to refresh their browser screen constantly. Implementing websockets allowed us to achieve this.
I can write a bit of code faster
TD:LR To get data tasks done involves a lot more than just bashing out a few lines of code to get the data into a format that you can give it to your stakeholder/customer. Unless of course it really is a one off and...
Matthew Skelton – Team Topologies
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation with Matthew Skelton about Team topologies.
Sandy Mamoli – Building great teams
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation with Sandy Mamoli about building great teams. Why do some teams perform well and others perform poorly.
The Focus Podcast – Agile Data Governance Patterns
Early in 2022 Shane Gibson was lucky enough to talk to the Focus podcast crew about agile governance in the data domain. Watch or listen to the episode.
Simon Wardley – Wardley maps
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation with Simon Wardley about Wardley maps. Wardely maps are a discussion tool that surfaces assumptions about competitive landscapes.
ELT without persisted watermarks ? not a problem
We no longer need to manually track the state of a table, when it was created, when it was updated, which data pipeline last touched it …. all these data points are available by doing a simple call to the logging and bigquery api. Under the covers the google cloud platform is already tracking everything we need … every insert, update, delete, create, load, drop, alter is being captured
Assessing agile capability
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about assessing the agile capability of individuals, teams and partners.
Three Agile Testing Methods – TDD, ATDD and BDD
In the word of agile, there are three common testing techniques that can be used to improve our testing practices and to assist with enabling automated testing.
Tony Ulwick – Outcome driven innovation
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about Outcome-Driven Innovation with Tony Ulwick. Most products fail in the market because they don’t meet customers’ needs better than the alternatives
Scaling data teams – Tammy Leahy
Shane Gibson chats to Tammy Leahy about how she helped scale the data teams she leads.
Debbie Levitt – UX design
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about UX design with Debbie Levitt. UX Design is research based information architecture and interaction design that requires deep expertise.
Data Products
Join Shane and guest Eric Broda as they discuss data products.
Tom Gilb – Software metrics
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about Software Metrics with Tom Gilb. Tom Gilb inspired the authors of the Agile manifesto with his innovative incremental and scientific approach to Software Engineering. In this podcast we talk about Evo and Value Agile.
Todd Lankford – Agile anti patterns
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about Agile anti patterns with Todd Lankford. Patterns are common solutions to common problems.
Erik de Bos – Agile is a paradigm shift
Join Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson in a conversation about Agile as a paradigm shift with Erik de Bos. Most organisations are slow moving bureaucracies defined by authoritarian hierarchies, rules and contracts. Agile is a completely new way of thinking and a new vocabulary which makes new concepts and information available.