

Founder Well hello there!Thank you for dropping on by. Shane Gibson - Want more?Want to see more Persona's, Use Case's, Feature's and Learning? Show me the...
Virtual cXo

Virtual cXo

Virtual cXo VisionIs it for me? For the Virtual cXo Who needs to help their customers make informed data driven decisions The AgileData “Virtual cXo” is a service That automates the collection, combining and consuming of data to provide repeatable business metrics...
Data Blueprint

Data Blueprint

Data Blueprint VisionIs it for me? For the Business Owner or Senior Leader Who needs to migrate data from a legacy source system to a new system The AgileData “Migrate Legacy Data” is a service That enables you to incrementally migrate your data, with reduced cost and...
Migrate Legacy Data

Migrate Legacy Data

Migrate Legacy Data VisionIs it for me? For the Business Owner or Senior Leader Who needs to migrate data from a legacy source system to a new system The AgileData “Migrate Legacy Data” is a service That enables you to incrementally migrate your data, with reduced...


Data4Good VisionIs it for me? For the Founder, Chief Revenue Officer, Chief Product Officer or Chief Technology Officer Who needs deliver a data, analytics and reporting capability with the limited development resources available and competing product roadmap...