Data Search

Data Search

Data Search AgileData Chief Product Magician, Shane Gibson, talks about searching for data in the AgileData App. Find that data you are looking for in a flash. View App Video Catalog User Guide View User...
Trust Rule Rollup

Trust Rule Rollup

AgileData Chief Product Magician, Shane Gibson, talks about the automagical rolling up of Trust Rules to the Consume Tiles.

This lets the consumers of the data know if any of the data feeding that tile has a data quality problem and cannot be trusted.

Catalog Tile Reviews

Catalog Tile Reviews

AgileData Chief Product Magician, Shane Gibson, talks about adding a review to a Catalog Tile to provide qualitative feedback.

Let you data consumers tell you what they really think of the data.

Auto Rules

Auto Rules

AgileData Chief Product Magician, Shane Gibson, talks about automagically creating change rules.

We automagically create the rules so you don’t have to.

Failed Trust Rule Records

Failed Trust Rule Records

Failed Trust Rule Records AgileData Chief Product Magician, Shane Gibson, shows how to quickly find out what records have caused a Trust Rule to fail. Find and remediate data quality issues before your data consumers even notice something is wrong. View App Video...